Jessica Bain
July 11, 2020 8:13 amJessica Bain is a graduate student at the University of Arkansas in the Chemical engineering program. Upon completion of her Master’s degree in December, she will continue her graduate education in Chemical Engineering in the Doctoral program.
She graduated from Grand Bahama Catholic High School in 2011. After which, she attended the University of The Bahamas, where she obtained an Associate’s degree in Engineering Physics in 2014. She then transferred to the University of Arkansas to complete her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. As an undergraduate student, she was engaged in community and research. She aided with various research projects in sustainability, such as the life cycle assessment of beef production in the US and the environmental impacts of acid whey on the environment. She was a peer mentor for the freshman engineering program for 3 years, involved in the local chapter of the American Institute for Chemical engineers (AICHE) and a member of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Prior to graduate school, she had an 8-month internship at Tyson Foods. She worked as Sustainability Data analyst in collaboration with the World Resource Institute to assess and reduce the water footprint of the growth, production, and processing facilities of their animal food products. She also benchmarked a water stewardship program for Tyson Foods.
She is currently graduate research assistant, a member of the Graduate Society of Women of Engineers and the Arkansas Chemical Engineering students along with other on campus affiliations. Her current research focus life cycle assessment of food systems in the United States. At present, her research team, in partnership with the National Cattle and Beef Associate, is quantifying the impacts of land use from U.S beef production on biodiversity and ecosystem services. As natural resources are increasingly strained, and both global population and food demand rise, it is implementing efficient sustainable agricultural techniques are imperative. It is her hope that through her research experience, she will aid in the expansion of sustainable agricultural research and development in the Bahamas to be prepared for an increasingly competitive market.
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This post was written by Edison Hanchell