BITS & BATTLES: Learning Your Arsenal

March 11, 2019 6:15 pm Published by

Training resources for learning programming languages, collaboration and development tools, and problem solving

Welcome KiddoBytes and BetaBytes to the 1stAnnual BETA Hack! This year’s theme is BITS & BATTLES, so this guide will introduce you to resources to help you master the tools in your arsenal.

Extra Fun!

There are lots of resources out there that make learning computer programming fun! Here’s a list of extra resources if you want to discover more about computer science and programming. – is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Learn mobile app or web, complete an Hour of Code, and so much more with games and activities. Believe me there is plenty to explore and even more resources! – So much interactive tutorials, so much languages!

Sololearn.comAvailable for Android and Apple devices. Learn to code on the go and compete with friends.

Udacity – Udacity is full of free interactive, online technology courses. Explore different paths in Programming and Development, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science.


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This post was written by Darren Butler

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